Kolmogorov turbulence
Kolmogorov theory in words
Kolmogorov turbulence theory explains:
- How energy is transferred from larger to smaller eddies
- How much energy is contained by eddies of a given size
- How much energy is dissipated by eddies of each size
The idea of eddies:
An eddy is a region of turbulent motion of size l and velocity u(l) that are moderately coherent. Therefore, an eddy also has a time scale τ(l) = l/u(l). Turbulence can be considered to consist of eddies of different sizes.
Energy Transfer:
Kolmogorov theory assumes that energy is added to system at largest scales “outer scale” Lo. These large scales are unstable and break up, transferring their energy to somewhat smaller eddies. These smaller eddies undergo a similar break-up process and transfer their energy to yet smaller structures "eddies". This energy cascade process takes place in the "Inertial range" and continues until the Reynolds number Re(l) =u(l)*l/ν (where ν is the kinematic viscosity = μ/ρ (m2/s), μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s or N·s/m2 or kg/(m·s), and ρ is the density of the fluid (kg/m3)) is sufficiently small that the eddy motion becomes stable, and molecular viscosity is effective in dissipating the kinetic energy. At these small scales, called "inner scale" lo, the kinetic energy of turbulence is converted into heat. Lo ranges from 10’s to 100’s of meters; lo is a few mm.
Kolmogorov turbulence (dimensional analysis):
Kolmogorov presented his original paper and his well known -5/3 power law from a pure dimensional analysis.
Dimensional analysis:
Given that:
u(l) the eddie's velocity.
ε the energy dissipation rate per unit mas.
ν the viscosity.
lo the inner scale.
l the local spatial scale.
Energy/mass = u(l)2/2 ∝ u(l)2
Energy dissipation rate per unit mass is then given by:
\epsilon \sim \frac{u(l)^2}{\tau} \sim \frac{u(l)^2}{l/u(l)} \sim \frac{u(l)^3}{l}, \; or \; u(l) = (\epsilon l)^{1/3}
Energy is then u(l)2 ∼ ε2/3 l2/3.
The 1D power spectrum of velocity fluctuations is then given by:
\Phi(\kappa) \Delta (\kappa) \propto u(l)^2 \propto \epsilon^{2/3} \kappa^{-2/3}
where κ = 2π/l. The 1D power spectrum can then be written as:
\Phi(\kappa) \propto \kappa^{-5/3}
The 3D power spectrum is related the 1D spectrum by:
\Phi^{3D}(\kappa) = - \frac{d\Phi}{d\kappa}*\frac{1}{2\pi\kappa}
Therefore the 3D spectrum can be then written as:
\Phi^{3D}(\kappa) \propto \kappa^{-11/3}
u(l) the velocity. optical turbulence (OT) is a very small-scale phenomena that is caused by the fluctuations in the index of refraction of the air. In turns, the fluctuations in refractive index lead to distortion of the phase of wave-front of the light propagating through the atmosphere. The latter is assumet to be a random process with zero mean <Φ> = 0, and is often described in terms of the structure function defined as1:
D_\phi (\overrightarrow{r}) = <(\phi(\overrightarrow{r'}) - \phi(\overrightarrow{r} + \overrightarrow{r'}))^2>
Under the statistically homogeneous and isotropic turbulence assumption, the structure function can be written as:
D_\phi(R) = \left\{
\begin{array}{c l}
C_n^2 \, R^of v{2/3} & l_0 \ll R \ll L_o\\
C_n^2 \, l_o^{-4/3}\, R^2 & R \ll l_o
Where Cn2 is defined as the refractive index structure parameter, considered the most critical parameter along the propagation path. Furthermore, using the Kolmogorov model of the turbulence distortions, the phase structure functionthe structure fucntion can be written as2:
D_\phi (\overrightarrow{r})= 6.88 \, (\frac{|\overrightarrow{r}|}{r_o})^{5/3}
r_o^{-5/3} = 0.185 \, \frac{4 \pi}{k^2} \frac{1}{A}
r_0^{-5/3} = \left\{
\begin{array}{c l}
{\int_0^{L} \, C_{n}^{2}(z) dz} & (plane \, wave) \\
{\int_0^{L} \, C_{n}^{2}(z) (\frac{L-z}{L})^{5/3} dz} & (spherical \, wave)
ro represents the maximum size of a telescope which can just operate at the diffraction limit. Any larger and resolution will be seeing-limited. The integration is perfromed from the pupil plane at z = 0 to z = L, the light source location. For a constant value of Cn2 through out the turbulent region, the spherical and plane wave definition of ro are related by:
r_o (spherical \, wave) = (\frac{8}{3})^{3/5} \, \, r_o (plane \, wave)